CLIPP : CLinical and Innovation Proteomic Platform

Main UBFC partners: FEMTO-ST (Dpt MN2S), ICB, IFR-santé-STIC, IFR133 Ingénierie et Biologie Cellulaire et Tissulaire, UFR SMP, Cell Biology Lab, INSERM, INRA, ICMUB…

Other partners: Horiba Scientifics, Bruker, INRA (Toulouse), INSERM (Montpellier, Lyon), CHU Montpellier, INSERM CIC 1407 Hospices Civils de Lyon, CEA (Grenoble and Saclay), BioMérieux, «Intégration du Matériau au Système » Bordeaux laboratory (UMR CNRS), Laboratoire Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive, Laboratoire de mycologie et de parasitologie de la Pitié Salpétrière (Paris), Servier, NVH Medicinal, SRSMC CNRS (Nancy)

Main activities of the Clinical & Innovation Proteomic Platform (CLIPP) concern “analytical studies through homemade biochips, nanobiosensors and mass spectrometry” and “Biostatistical tools & bioinformatics”.

Created in 2008, CLIPP appears as an innovative platform of research & development at national scale. In 2015, CLIPP has moved inside the UBFC sites to become the shared platform between ICMUB (UMR CNRS 6302) and FEMTO-ST (UMR CNRS 6174) and is managed by Dr. Patrick Ducoroy (Dir.) and Dr. Wilfrid Boireau (Co-Dir.).

The specificity of CLIPP is combining knowledge and know-how in the fields of proteomics, biochemistry, mass spectrometry, chemistry, nano engineering and characterization, biostatistics and bioinformatics to respond to the problematics of biologists and clinical partners and to develop new approaches and/or original tools for the analysis of proteomics.

CLIPP involves 12 engineers and researchers which process 45 projects/year. 40% of the activity of CLIPP implied research units from UBFC in the last 12 months. 8 ETPR are involved in the technological innovation that sped up industrial partnerships (14 in the last 2 years) and a recent launch of spin-off.

Example of key projet within CLIPP : NEOTAG
Partners: Immabiotech, R&D Biotech, competitiveness clusters: Nutrition Health Longevity cluster & Microtechniques cluster ; Fundings : Région de Franche Comté, CAGB, BPI France.

The aim of NEOTAG is to develop and validate an analytical solution based on a multiplex format assay in the field of newborn screening test. The global idea is to combine biochip technology from FEMTO-ST with mass spectrometry (MS) approaches mastered by CLIPP and Immabiotech to perform simultaneous biomarker detection in blood. This program aims to respond to the recommendation of the French Health Council (HAS) for the global MS analysis of numerous metabolic disorders and diseases of newborns. Three pathologies will be especially targeted: congenital hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and cystic fibrosis.

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