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Work on ozone by P. Honvault (ICB) and G. Guillon (ICB) among the INP (CNRS) breaking news list

Pascal Honvault, Professor UFC (Besançon), and Grégoire Guillon, Assistant Professor uB (Dijon), both members of the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne-ICB in the SMPCA group, had their work on strastopheric ozone selected as a CNRS Institut de Physique editorial choice. They have highlighted a strong quantum effect due to the indistinguishability of the three identical […]

Brain-Inspired Photonic Computer

Main UBFC partners: FEMTO-ST (optics and Energy departements), Labex ACTION (chair of excellence Nadia Steiner), Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, FC Lab, INSERM One of the world’s fastest photonic computer is made by FEMTO-ST. Digital electronics and standard computers have reached their limits in dealing with complex tasks, such as dynamical data classification, processing information […]

Molecular chemistry for medical imaging and theranostics

Research and développement One of the two research axes of the Institute of Molecular Chemistry of the University of Burgundy (ICMUB, UMR CNRS 6302) is entitled “Health, medical imaging and therapy”.ICMUB develops innovative tools for the design and the synthesis of new imaging agents and theranostics : Synthesis of efficient chelators of relevant metal cations […]

Programmable matter

Main UBFC partners: FEMTO-ST (DISC department), Labex ACTION, Grand Besançon Agglomeration, company SilMach SA Other key partners: PSA Peugeot Citröen (CIFRE on Big data and connected vehicles), Intel, University of Carnegie Mellon, Hong-Kong Polytechnic University and IRISA, University of Tokyo, Université de Rennes 1/IRISA, LIMMS and LAAS/CNRS Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) have reached a position of […]

Hans Fisher Fellowship of the University of Munich awarded to D. Sugny (ICB)

Dominique Sugny, professor at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne – ICB, was awarded in 2015 the Hans Fisher Fellowship of the Technical University of Munich (Technische Universität München, Institute for Advanced Study, http://www.tum-ias.de/), for his work on the applications of optimal control theory to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Dominique […]

New atlas of Southern Ocean marine life

Two researchers of university of burguny, Bruno David (also editor) and Thomas Saucède, are two contributors to this collective book : Biogeographic atlas of the southern ocean. Biogeographic information is of fundamental importance for discovering marine biodiversity hotspots, detecting and understanding impacts of environmental changes, predicting future distributions, monitoring biodiversity, or supporting conservation and sustainable […]

Description of scientific achievement of the LipSTIC LabEx

As major public health concerns, cancer and inflammatory diseases are pathologies with urgent medical requirements. A novel concept has recently emerged and relies on the ability of lipoproteins to distribute essential bioactive compounds and drugs throughout the body, and to neutralize and eliminate bacterial proinflammatory mediators. The LipSTIC LabEx is a multidisciplinary research program forming […]

Biom’@x : towards a technological translational medicine

Partners : FEMTO-ST, CHRU (CIC1431), EFS Bourgogne Franche-Comté… Biom’@xSciences and technologies is a pluri-science research axis aiming at developing smart devices able to understand (as fully as possible) a living system under study. This understanding should lead to the determination of behavior laws that, through prognostic approaches, allows anticipating the evolution of these systems with […]

Greater knowledge, better climate

Senior Scientist Valérie Masson-Delmotte has carried out comparative studies on climate variation in Greenland. Here, together with collaborators Pablo Ortega and Emilie Gauthier, she discusses their application, and the challenges associated with research on and in Greenland    What are your respective backgrounds in environmental studies and why is your current research centred on climate […]

Agro-ecology – Dijon’s high-speed phenotyping platform

High-tech tools at the service of sustainable agriculture January 7th, 2015 Imagine a huge building, enclosing adjustable greenhouses and climate-controlled chambers within which thousands of plants are growing on automatic conveyer belts, under surveillance by various types of cameras… No big brother has not come to the plant world, you are actually inside Dijon’s High-Speed […]

Advanced Materials & Processes

Main UBFC partners: FEMTO-ST (MN2S and Optics departments, MIMENTO clean room), Labex ACTION, Frec’N’Sys, Femto Engineering International partner: TDK Epcos Chair of excellence 2014-2017: Dr Ausrine Bartasyte Chemical and strain engineering of single crystals and thin films of lithium niobate Chair of excellence at FEMTO-ST (MN2S) and UFR ST (UFC) Accreditation to supervise research (HDR) […]

Three projects from the axis « Smart Environments » of the LE2I Laboratory

Fast prototyping of a SoC-based smart-camera: a real-time fall detection case study B. Senouci, ︎ I. Charfi, ︎ B. Heyrman ︎, J. Dubois ︎, J. Miteran   Smart camera, i.e. cameras that are able to acquire and process images in real-time, is a typical example of the new embedded computer vision systems. A key example […]

Echo phenomena observed in an ensemble of laser-aligned molecules

Group of Femtosecond Processes & intense Laser (PFL) Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB), UMR 6303 CNRS-Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, DIJON, FRANCE In 2015 we have reported on one of the simplest classical systems featuring the echo phenomenon—a collection of randomly oriented free rotors with dispersed rotational velocities. Following excitation by a pair of time-delayed impulsive […]

Microrobotics for early detection of pathologies and minimally invasive surgery

Main UBFC partners : FEMTO-ST (departments of AS2M, MN2S, Optics and biom@x), Labex ACTION, Equipec Robotex, CHU, Centre d’Investigation Clinique de Besançon (INSERM CIC 1431), UTINAM (UMR UFC CNRS), Statice… Multifunctional mechatronic systems include a combination of mechanics, electronics, control engineering, computer engineering as well as photonics and vision. They are studied in all top-level […]

Sustainable Chemistry in ICMUB

Research directed towards sustainable chemistry and eco-compatible processes is conducted within the framework of the regional program PARI II CDEA (Chimie Durable pour l’Environnement et l’Agroalimentaire) and the CPER (Chimie Durable pour l’Environnement, l’Energie et l’Agroalimentaire). Two representative examples are presented below. Octopus polyphosphine for sustainable catalysis In 2009 a Valorisation Project (VP) named “Couplages […]

CLIPP : CLinical and Innovation Proteomic Platform

Main UBFC partners: FEMTO-ST (Dpt MN2S), ICB, IFR-santé-STIC, IFR133 Ingénierie et Biologie Cellulaire et Tissulaire, UFR SMP, Cell Biology Lab, INSERM, INRA, ICMUB… Other partners: Horiba Scientifics, Bruker, INRA (Toulouse), INSERM (Montpellier, Lyon), CHU Montpellier, INSERM CIC 1407 Hospices Civils de Lyon, CEA (Grenoble and Saclay), BioMérieux, «Intégration du Matériau au Système » Bordeaux laboratory […]

Holocene changes in environment and climate in the central Mediterranean as reflected by lake and marine records

M. Magny(1) and N. Combourieu Nebout(2) (1)CNRS – UMR6249, Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement, UFR des Sciences et Techniques, 16 Route de Gray, 25030 Besançon, France (2)CNRS – UMR8212, LSCE – Gif-sur-Yvette, Gif-sur-Yvette, France Correspondence to: M. Magny (michel.magny@univ-fcomte.fr) Presently considered one of the hot-spots of world biodiversity, the Mediterranean region will probably be largely impacted by the […]