Biom’@x : towards a technological translational medicine

Partners : FEMTO-ST, CHRU (CIC1431), EFS Bourgogne Franche-Comté…

Biom’@xSciences and technologies is a pluri-science research axis aiming at developing smart devices able to understand (as fully as possible) a living system under study. This understanding should lead to the determination of behavior laws that, through prognostic approaches, allows anticipating the evolution of these systems with the ulterior motive of personalizing the therapeutic strategies.

This program is fueled by the wide disciplinary spectrum of the FEMTO-ST Institute, in particular in micro and nano-technologies, robotics, informatics, automation, optics, biomechanics, proteomics and e-health. The goal is to solve scientific and technological biomedical obstacles as well as to develop new paradigm in order to tend to a trans-disciplinary vision of research in health domain.
Biom’@x researchers are not only already recognized at the national and international level through their disciplinary work, they also benefit from a strong interaction with Besançon’s University Hospital (in particular the Clinical Investigation Center CIC1431), the biology and medicine research local centers, higher education units, especially in the biomedical and micro techniques fields, and theiindustry, in a privileged “Research-Translation-Transfer” environment in Franche-Comté.

Video of Biom@x :

Example of key project: SmarTTransfuser, an automated point-of-care transfusion safety system

Before each transfusion of red blood cell concentrate, a final ABO compatibility test is carried out at the patient’s bedside on a piece of card and interpreted visually. Despite this ultimate test, transfusion accidents still occur due to group incompatibility and/or human errors, which can be lethal. In order to improve this test, we have developed a specific device based on microarrays for the validation of a smart and safe transfuser in the context of critical transfusional situations.

This miniaturized device incorporates a biochip to analyze ABO compatibility in order that the hemagglutination reaction of red blood cells with IgMs in solution is replaced by specific capture by concentration of IgMs on microarrays. Results indicate that a specific immunocapture is obtained with globular concentrates and with different whole blood groups. Smarttransfuser is a smart device developed in collaboration with the French Blood Transfusion Center of Bourgogne Franche-Comté and Besançon University Hospital for the optimization of an ultimate test prior to transfusion at the patient’s bedside.


SmarTTransfuser. Left: laboratory model. Right integrated pre-clinical medical device.

Video (in French only) : SmarTTransfuser

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Key publications :

Biochip technology applied to an automated ABO compatibility test at the patient bedside
K. Charrière, A. Rouleau, O. Gaiffe, J. Fertey, P. Morel, V. Bourcier, C. Pieralli, W. Boireau, L. Pazart, B. Wacogne, Sensors and Actuators B, Vol 208, pp. 67-74, 2015.

An automated medical device for ultimate ABO compatibility test at the patient’s bedside – Towards the automation of point-of-care transfusion safety
Karine Charrière, Alain Rouleau, Olivier Gaiffe, Pascal Morel, Véronique Bourcier, Christian Pieralli, Wilfrid Boireau, Lionel Pazart and Bruno Wacogne
Conference Biodevices 2015, 12 – 15 january, Lisbon, Portugal, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 58-67.
DOI: 10.5220/0005248700580067.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, 257-262, 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal
Karine Charriere 1 Olivier Gaiffe 2 Lionel Pazart 1 Wilfrid Boireau 2 Christian Pieralli 2 Bruno Wacogne 2
1 CIC-IT Besançon, 2 FEMTO-ST

2 patents :

L. Pazart, B. Wacogne, C. Pieralli, W. Boireau et P. Morel, “Dispositif de prélèvement de liquide corporel et procédé de mise en oeuvre”, publication brevet français enregistrée le 9 Novembre 2009, N° 0905329.). “DEVICE FOR TAKING A SAMPLE OF A BODY FLUID AND METHOD FOR IMPLEMENTING SAME”. Extension PCT 12 Mai 2011, N°WO2011055029.

L. Pazart, B. Wacogne, C. Pieralli, W. Boireau et P. Morel, “Système de perfusion sécurisé et procédé de mise en oeuvre”,publication brevet français enregistrée le 5Novembre 2009, N° 0905330.“SECURE PERFUSION SYSTEM”.Extension PCT 12 Mai 2011, N° WO2011055031.

Best poster award :

“SmartTransfuser: a lab-on-chip system for enhancing transfusion security”
K. Charrière, J.S. Guerrini-Chapuis, B. Wacogne, C. Elie-Caille, C. Pieralli, L. Pazart, P. Morel and W. Boireau,
2nd International Conference on Bio-sensing Technology, 10-12 October 2011, Amsterdam, The Nederlands.