Based on a 2014 agreement, the publication of the legal decree finalizing the establishment of the COMUE UBFC as public (High Eduction & Research (HER) organisation, initially expected in January 2015, finally occurred on April 1st, 2015. Before this date, it was not legally possible to trigger the common scientific signature by instructing the UBFC research personnels to do so. Therefore, at the time of the hearing on April 21st, 2015 the IDEX/ISITE international jury correctly pointed out that the common scientific signature was not yet observable. Since April 2015, all UBFC research personnels have been instructed by various channels (Presidents of COMUE UBFC member organisations, heads of laboratories, groups,…) to operate as follows :
- Make “Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté” appearing in the address field of all scientific papers involving UBFC personnels. Simultaneously, address fields pointing to the UBFC member organizations such as “Université de Bourgogne” or “Université de Franche-Comté” are not allowed any more in scientific papers.
- Using the large UBFC logo (Fig. 1.1) on the title slide of talks presented at conferences.
- Using the UBFC icon (Fig. 1.2) on all slides that UBFC researchers present in conferences.
- Using the acronym UBFC or the UBFC icon in all appropriate circumstances such as submissions of national and international projects, short address field of various forms, etc…
The effectiveness of the implementation of the common scientific signature was already visible as soon as July 2015 when the 19 UBFC papers in the list below could be referenced in Web of Science. In this list, the UBFC affiliation can readily be checked on-line using the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) link when available. Note that papers stamped “2014” are either due to various technical delays experienced by some publishers or to the initiatives of some UBFC personnels eager to push UBFC on track notwithstanding the delay of publication of the legal decree creating UBFC.
1. , Splenic TFH expansion participates in B-cell differentiation and antiplatelet-antibody production during immune thrombocytopenia, S. Audia, M. Rossato, K. Santegoets, S. Spijkers, C. Wichers, C. Bekker, A. Bloem, L. Boon, T. Flinsenberg, E. Compeer, T. van den Broek, Ol. Facy, P. Ortega-Deballon, S. Berthier, V. Leguy-Seguin, L. Martin, M. Ciudad, M. Samson, M. Trad, B. Lorcerie, N. Janikashvili, P. Saas, B. Bonnotte & T. R. D. J. Radstake, BLOOD 124, 2858-2866 (2014). 2., A more cost-effective geomatic approach to modelling PM10 dispersion across Europe, M. Diaz-de-Quijano, D. Joly, D. Gilbert & N. Bernard, APPLIED GEOGRAPHY 55, 108-116 (2014). 3., Effects of ultrasound and temperature on copper electro reduction in Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES), A. Mandroyan, M. Mourad-Mahmoud, M.L. Doche & J.Y. Hihn, ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 21, 2010-2019 (2014). 4. , Adsorption of gelatin during electrodeposition of copper and tin-copper alloys from acid sulfate electrolyte, C. Meudre, L. Ricq, J.Y. Hihn, V. Moutarlier, A. Monnin & O.Heintz, SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 252, 93-101 (2014). 5., Does tocilizumab indeed reduce the frequency of Th17 cells? Comment on the article by Thiolat et al, M. Samson, S. Audia, P. Ornetti, J.F. Maillefert, N. Janikashvili & B. Bonnotte, ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY 66, 2639-2640 (2014). 6. , In vivo and in vitro sensitivity of blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm to SL-401, an interleukin-3 receptor targeted biologic agent, F. Angelot-Delettre, A. Roggy, A. E. Frankel, B. Lamarthee, E.Seilles, S. Biichle, B. Royer, E. Deconinck, E. K. Rowinsky, C.Brooks, V. Bardet, B. Benet, H. Bennani, Z.Benseddik, A. Debliquis, D. Lusina, M. Roussel, F. Solly, M. Ticchioni, P. Saas & F. Garnache-Ottou, HAEMATOLOGICA 100, 223-230 (2015). 7., Analyses of the transmission of the disorder from a disturbed environment to a spin chain, L. Aubourg & D. Viennot, QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING 14, 1117-1150 (2015). 8. , Homogeneous large-scale crystalline nanoparticle-covered substrate with high SERS performance, E. N. Aybeke, Y. Lacroute, C. Elie-Caille, A. Bouhelier, E. Bourillot & E. Lesniewska, NANOTECHNOLOGY 26, (2015). 9., Exploring the potential of gold(III) cyclometallated compounds as cytotoxic agents: variations on the (CN)-N-boolean AND theme, B. Bertrand, S. Spreckelmeyer, E. Bodio, F. Cocco, M. Picquet, P. Richard, P. Le Gendre, C. Orvig, M.A. Cinellu & A. Casini, DALTON TRANSACTIONS 44, 11911-11918 (2015). 10. (Doi not available), The Promise of Plant-Derived Substances as Inhibitors of Arginase, C. Girard-Thernier, T. N. Pham & C. Demougeot, MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 15, 798-808 (2015). 11., Effects of high frequency ultrasound irradiation on incorporation of SiO2 particles within polypyrrole films, O. Grari, L. Dhouibi, F. Lallemand, C. C. Buron, A. Et Taouil & J. Y. Hihn, ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 22, 220-226 (2015). 12., Human monocyte-derived suppressor cells control graft-versus-host disease by inducing regulatory forkhead box protein 3-positive CD8(+) T lymphocytes, N.Janikashvili, M. Trad, A. Gautheron, M. Samson, B. Lamarthee, F. Bonnefoy, S. Lemaire-Ewing, M. Ciudad, K.Rekhviashvili, F.Seaphanh, B. Gaugler, S. Perruche, A. Bateman, L. Martin, S. Audia, Ph. Saas, N. Larmonier & B. Bonnotte , JOURNAL OF ALLERGY & CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 135, 1614-U334 (2015). 13., Comparing the electronic relaxation dynamics of aniline and d(7)-aniline following excitation at 272-238 nm, O. M. Kirkby, M. Sala, G. Balerdi, R. de Nalda, L. Banares, S. Guérin & H. H. Fielding, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 17, 16270-16276 (2015). 14., A similar to 32-70 K FORMATION TEMPERATURE RANGE FOR THE ICE GRAINS AGGLOMERATED BY COMET 67 P/CHURYUMOV-GERASIMENKO, S. Lectez, J. M. Simon, O. Mousis, S. Picaud, K. Altwegg, M. Rubin & J. M. Salazar, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS 805, (2015). 15., Embedding qubits into fermionic Fock space: Peculiarities of the four-qubit case, P. Levay & F. Holweck, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 91, (2015). 16., Strong thermal nonequilibrium in hypersonic CO and CH4 probed by CRDS, M. Louviot, N. Suas-David, V. Boudon, R. Georges, M. Rey & S. Kassi, J. CHEM. PHYS. 142 (2015). 17., Induction of oxiapoptophagy on 158N murine oligodendrocytes treated by 7-ketocholesterol-, 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol-, or 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol: Protective effects of alpha-tocopherol and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6 n-3), T. Nury, A. Zarrouk, J. J. Mackrill, M. Samadi, P. Durand, J.M. Riedinger, M. Doria, A. Vejux, E. Limagne, D. Delmas, M. Prost, T. Moreau, M. Hammami, R. Delage-Mourroux, N. M. O’Brien & G. Lizard, STEROIDS 99, 194-203 (2015). 18., Oxysterols and related sterols: Chemical, biochemical and biological aspects, M.L. Sa, M.M.M. Cruz Silva, L. Iuliano & G. Lizard, STEROIDS 99, 117-118 (2015). 19., Effects of cholesterol oxides on cell death induction and calcium increase in human neuronal cells (SK-N-BE) and evaluation of theprotective effects of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6 n-3), A. Zarrouk, T. Nury, M; Samadi, Y. O’Callaghan, M. Hammami, N. M. O’Brien, G. Lizard & J. J. Mackrill, STEROIDS 99, 238-247 (2015).
Discover the other UBFC publications here.